Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

The Beautiful Word of LOVE


Mungkin kali ini aku sudah menuliskan sebuah formasi yang berbeda masih sama denga poem, tapi disini yang berbeda disebelumnya aku membagikan  pour down on heart, tapi sekarang aku akan share about the MEANING OF LOVE. Atau kekuatan cinta. Find Out Guys.....

Love.. Love.. Love 

Now life is more beautiful... 

Now my smile back for good... 

Now you fill my day... 

Now you always give me a chance to smile and feel the beauty of the world...

Love.. Love.. Love 

Of whom only distract You were my world... 

You love me that... 

Hope all becomes real...

Love.. Love.. Love 

I know that new love is beautiful... 

Keep my heart blossomed... 

Thank you have give true meaning of love to me... 

Beautiful world of LOVE... 

You're my first and last Love 


*Evi Annisasalim

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